Big Questions: What is the RELATIONSHIP between MASS, FORCE and ACCELERATION?
The relationship between mass, force, and acceleration is that they are all related because the mass and force can be factors that change the acceleration and since the more force applied may make the acceleration faster depending on the mass of the object.
What gives rise to a change in motion?
The different forces acting upon the hover disc while on top of the pocket of air changed the way the disc moved since there was no friction.
Data/ Whiteboard:
This whiteboard shows the data my group and I collected for the Fan Cart lab. We included the 5 trials and the force, mass, and acceleration. As you can see, the force is constant, but the mass is different for each trial which greatly changed the acceleration. The less the mass was, the more the acceleration.
Real Life Connection:
This lab connects to our everyday life because if you try to pull against something heavy it is still going to be the same force even though you may be pulling in an opposite direction. This picture shows a boy trying to pull the wall and an elephant, but what you can see is that the force is the same for both pictures, but the elephant is moving, but not the wall.